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Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy

Your privacy is important to us Access, are committed to safeguarding the personal information you provide to us and to protecting your privacy, as well as clearly stating how that information is used to deliver our service to you.

The purpose of this privacy statement is to assist you in understanding how we use personal information collected via this website, and the choices you can make about how your personal information is used.

Where we hold your information, we will notify you, by email, of any amendments to this privacy statement and provide you with details of what to do next.

The website, and its services, is intended for persons over the age of 13. Users under the age of 13 are welcome to browse the Access website, but should not provide us with any personal information.

The information we collect

You do not have to provide any personal information in order to browse this website.

We may collect personal information about you when you register with us through the use of paper and electronic registration forms. This information includes your name, email address, password, gender, ethnicity and preference information to enable personalisation. You are able to update the personal information we collect and hold about you at any time by visiting your profile.

In addition to your personal information, when you use our website, we may collect tracking information such as your browser type, the operating system you use, the name of your internet service provider and pages visited on the site.

We get this information by using technologies, including cookies to increase the functionality and user-friendliness of our website and to better tailor our website to your needs. For example, we may want to know how long the average user spends on our website, or which pages get the most attention. Information such as this will only be used in aggregate form and will not identify you personally.

In order to send email communications to our registrants, we use a third-party email service provider. Data will be transferred to our email service provider for this purpose. Our email service provider is currently google, take a look at it’s privacy policy. We may, without notice, change our provider to one delivering similar services. Where this occurs, we will ensure that at least the same level of protection is applied to your personal information.

How the information is used

We collect information on our users to:

  • help us improve and provide a personalised service to you
  • conduct market research
  • reply to your enquiries more efficiently through the services we provide
  • run competitions
  • send you information relevant to your subject, interests and stage of study
  • inform you of new offers, products and services that may be of interest to you
  • create personalised email alerts with job and course opportunities (if subscribed) which are most relevant to your skills, education and interests. You can manage your subscriptions by logging in to your account.

If you apply for a job while logged in to your account we will store a copy of your CV so you can access it easily if you want to apply for other jobs on the site. Stored CVs are not used for any other purpose other than the user’s convenience.

We also use information in aggregate form (i.e. your individual details cannot be identified) to:

  • build up marketing profiles
  • generate research into the graduate job market, which we share with the HE sector
  • aid strategic development
  • manage our relationship with advertisers
  • audit usage of the site
  • help us deliver relevant content to you on social media websites such as Facebook (see ‘Online advertising we use’).

Online advertising we use

Google re-marketing

Our websites use Google’s re-marketing technology. This technology enables users who have already visited our online services and shown interest in our services to see targeted advertising on Google partner network websites. Likewise, users that are similar to the visitors of our websites can be addressed. The advertising will be displayed through the use of web cookies. Using cookies, the user behaviour on a website can be analysed and subsequently utilised to provide targeted product recommendations and advertising based on the user’s interests.

If you would prefer to not receive any targeted advertising, you can deactivate the use of cookies for these purposes through Google. Alternatively, users can deactivate the use of cookies by third-party providers by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s deactivation website.

Please note that Google has its own data protection policy, which is independent of our own. We assume no responsibility or liability for their policies and procedures. Please read Google’s privacy policy before using our websites.

Facebook Pixel

Our website utilises the ‘Pixel’ service of Facebook Inc, 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (‘Facebook’). This tool allows us to re-target users on Facebook after they have visited the Access site. It is also an analytics tool used to record the efficacy of Facebook advertisements for statistical and market research purposes. The collected data remain anonymous. This means that we cannot see the personal data of any individual user. However, the collected data is saved and processed by Facebook*. Facebook is able to connect the data with your Facebook account and use the data for their own advertising purposes, in accordance with Facebook’s Data Use Policy. You can revoke your permission at Facebook – Website custom audiences.

(*Information accurate at the time of writing this statement.)

LinkedIn Insight Tag

Our website uses the LinkedIn Insight Tag. This tool allows us to re-target users using LinkedIn’s advertising network after they have visited our website. It also allows us to see further data about the visitors to our website using the LinkedIn platform.

The LinkedIn Insight Tag enables the collection of metadata such as IP address information, timestamp, page views and events. All data is encrypted. The LinkedIn browser cookie is stored in a user’s browser until a user deletes the cookie or the cookie expires.

To opt out of cookies from LinkedIn please visit your LinkedIn settings page. More information is available from the LinkedIn cookie policy.

(*Information accurate at the time of writing this statement.)

How we share information with third parties

We do not share personally identifiable information with third parties. However, we reserve the right to release personal information without your consent or without consulting you, when we believe that this is appropriate – in order to comply with our legal obligations, to enforce our terms and conditions, to protect the security of this website or to prevent fraud.

From time-to-time we may share anonymous, aggregated information about visitors to this site to potential advertisers, business partners and sponsors such as the number of users we have, their average age, location, etc. This information will be shared in a way that ensures your identity is not revealed.

Third party cookies in embedded content on Access pages

During your visit to the Access site you may notice some cookies that are not related to Access.

To support our content, we sometimes embed content from social media and other third party websites. These may include YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. As a result, when you visit a page containing such content, you may be presented with cookies from these websites and these third party cookies may track your use of the Access website. We do not control the dissemination of these cookies and you should check the relevant third party’s website for more information. If you continue without changing your settings, we’ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the Access website. However, you can find out about changing your cookie settings here.

Where we embed content from social media and other third party websites, some websites may use Google Analytics to collect data about user behaviour for their own purposes. We do not control this. For more information, see the Google webpage How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps.

Cookies and other similar technologies uses first-party and third-party, session and persistent cookies, tags and other similar technologies as a means of collecting non-sensitive information on general website usage so that we may improve your experience on our website.

Cookies are a small piece of information placed on your computer’s hard drive via your web browser to enable the sender to identify, authenticate and maintain specific information about how users behave. Cookies make using the website’s facilities quicker, easier and more convenient as well as allowing registered Access users to be presented with a personalised version of the site.

If you would like to browse, you may do so without accepting cookies. For more information on the cookies used on this website and how to opt out of accepting cookies, see our list of cookies. Please read this information in full before deciding whether to disable cookies, as doing so may reduce your enjoyment of our website.

To save you time, you can check the ‘Keep me logged in’ checkbox when you log in. We do not recommend that you enable this option on a shared or public computer.


This website contains links to other websites that are not controlled by us. This privacy statement applies only to this website.

Updating your personal information

Please keep us informed of any changes in your personal details. You can at any time update or correct your registration information and change your choices about the information services you would like to receive, by logging into your account.

Requesting a copy of your personal information

You may, at any time, request a copy of the personal information we hold on you, free of charge. To do this, please contact us via email at We will aim to respond within three working days and provide the information within 28 days.

Unsubscribing and disabling your account

You may unsubscribe from Access’ emails by following the unsubscribe link in any of our email communications to you or, alternatively, by logging in to your email subscriptions page to edit your subscriptions. To delete your account, log in to your Access account page. Please note that deleting your account login does not remove the information we hold on you. If you would like us to remove your personal information from our systems, please contact


250 Romford Road, London E7 9HZ

Registered in England under company number 13863120