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English Language Tests


Take advantage of many education programs.

Access provides hands-on support, guidance and counselling for those candidates who are seeking a qualification of global standing that will open mindset, career and lifelong opportunity. We guide you to selecting the university that’s right for you. Our Counsellors are career experts with experience in higher education and opportunities in the UK and the EU.


    Arts and Science


    Arts and Science


    International Students

    Uni Application

    Job Guarentee


    Inspiration, innovation, and countless opportunities.

    A deep commitment to diversity

    International Students

    Aisha, LLM

    By enrolling on a collaborative LLM Program with Coventry University, with the support of the accessuni counsellors I was able to follow my dream to become a teacher in Law. The experience I gained during studies and the opportunities under the post study work scheme allowed me to follow a successful career.

    Clara, Computer Science

    By enrolling on a collaborative degree programme of the University of East London, I was able to develop a career in games technology. I am currently leading a team of graduates in the sector thanks to accessuni counsellors who have guided me all the way.

    Our committed expert student counsellors are ready to help.

    Please register here and one of our staff will get back to you within 24 hours

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